The Treasure in the Forest summery

Summary of The Treasure in the Forest


Major Characters

Evans  : friend of Hooker who made an a
dventurous journey for hunting treasures

Hooker : friend of Evans who made an adventurous journey for hunting treasures

Secondary Characters

Chang-hi : a Chinese man who had a map to locate treasure

Chinaman : Chang-hi’s co-worker

Main theme of the story

The fundamental message of The Treasure in the Forest is to not take risks when we are unprepared. The two Englishmen took risks in an unfamiliar act and were killed soon. This story was about two Englishmen who heard about gold on an island and obtained a map from a Chinese.

Short Summary:

“The Treasure in the Forest” is an ominous adventure story in which two men search for Spanish treasure, letting greed get the better of their awareness. As the story moves ahead to show how power and greed corrupt human beings.

The fundamental message of The Treasure in the Forest is to not take risks when we are unprepared. The two Englishmen took risks in an unfamiliar wilderness and were killed soon. This story was about two Englishmen who heard about gold on an island and obtained a map from a Chinese. So they paddled a canoe to the island, having fallen asleep aboard the boat. They drove their boat into a lagoon and up a river in the forest, following the chart and successfully arriving at their destination. When they discovered the death of the Chinese they had spoken with, they were terrified and began to worry about their safety, but nothing occurred. They were packing the gold when Evans received a puncture from the gold. Evans tried to forget about it, but the deadly puncture caused him to die for a short time. Evans urged the other man, Hooker, to discard the bad gold. Hooker, on the other hand, was afraid and didn’t even understand what his friend told him, and Hooker accidentally touched the gold. Finally, both of the men died.

This storey succeeds in depicting the dreadful scenario when they confronted the danger, and the outcome of taking the risk will draw attention to others.

Analysis and Interpretation

The main idea of The Treasure in the Forest is to tell us don't take a risk when you are not prepared. We must prepare before going anywhere. The end of greed is destructive. We must focus and understand each thing before making any decision on it. Otherwise, its result is bad like Evans and Hooker.

This story represents that greed is the big enemy of a person and also shows the weakness of money and wealth.

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